Planned Giving | Wolf Trap
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Planned Giving

Planned Giving

Planned gifts ensure that future generations of your family, friends, and community have Wolf Trap to enrich their lives.

Forward-thinking individuals who support Wolf Trap Foundation through their estate or other planned gift are recognized as members of the Catherine Filene Shouse Legacy Circle. They honor the vision of Wolf Trap’s founder, for whom the Legacy Circle is named.

There are many ways to support Wolf Trap Foundation’s arts and education programs, while possibly receiving tax benefits for yourself or your loved ones.

Explore planned giving opportunities

Not sure where to start? Explore charitable gift planning opportunities here on our website, request more information using the button below or contact the Planned Giving team for a conversation without obligation. We can help you discover the ways in which your gift can have the greatest impact.

Most Popular Planned Giving Vehicles:

Additional Planned Giving Options:

  • Charitable gift annuities. An income-producing option. In exchange for a gift (transfer of cash, marketable securities, or, in some cases, real estate), a charity contractually guarantees to pay you and/or another beneficiary a fixed income for life.
  • Charitable remainder trusts. An income-producing option. The amount distributed at termination (the “remainder”) is paid to a charitable beneficiary.
  • Gifts of other appreciated property. An alternative to cash. In certain instances, a gift of appreciated stock, tangible personal property or real estate, might offer attractive tax benefits.

  • Request More Information

Recognition for your gift

Wolf Trap Foundation is pleased to include you as a member of the Catherine Filene Shouse Legacy Circle. Legacy Circle members are recognized in digital and print publications, unless anonymity is preferred, and are invited to a special Legacy Circle celebration event each year.

Let us know if you have already made a gift

If you have already included Wolf Trap Foundation in your estate plan, please contact us. Sharing your plan for a future gift to Wolf Trap will enable us to confirm that your legacy intentions are clear and achievable – and allow you to enjoy an enhanced relationship with the programs you love as a member of the Catherine Filene Shouse Legacy Circle.

Tell us about your gift

For more information or assistance with frequently asked questions:
Annie Coppola
Director, Planned Giving and Endowment

Lori Jennette
Manager, Planned Giving and Endowment