Charitable Gift Annuities | Wolf Trap
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Charitable Gift Annuities

This special, yet straightforward, gift arrangement provides benefits to donors now, and in the future, to the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts, allowing you to:

  • Secure guaranteed, fixed income for life for one or two annuitants
  • Receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your gift
  • Leave a personal legacy of support for valued programs at Wolf Trap Foundation

If the potential for income tax savings now and the opportunity to delay annuity payments until later (e.g. a date of your choosing such as retirement) is of interest to you, contact the Planned Giving team to learn more about a Deferred Gift Annuity.

By including Wolf Trap Foundation in your estate plans, your powerful statement helps assure that, like you, future generations will be enriched by the unparalleled Wolf Trap Experience. Thank you!